


+49 (0)7272-7704 998


Altspeyerer Weide 2 67346 Speyer

Hiu Pun

Hiu Pun has been working globally as a business trainer in Asia and Europe for more than 15 years. He loves to facilitate talent development using various psychometric instruments. All of his workshops are enthusiastically received by the audience. “After his workshop, I truly see people and the world differently and communicate better with my colleagues” – this is the most frequent comment he receives from workshop participants.

He is also a public speaker and speaks at international conferences and forums on organizational development, team development, career development and self-development. He gives lectures/workshops on organizational behavior, business psychology, teamwork, leadership and intercultural communication for universities in Germany and Poland. His motto is 3P: purpose, passion, perseverance. His vision is that everyone can use psychometric instruments to reach their full potential and promote positive mindset, growth, authenticity and harmony in the workplace.
In Sommer Foundation is Hiu Pun working since many years.

Experte für

Personality Type and Psychometric instruments

Certified in

MBTI®  (Myers–Briggs Type Indicator)

FIRO-B® (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior

Hogan Assessment®

DiSC® (Dominance, influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness)


NVC (Nonviolet Communication)

Kompetenzen und Leistungen


Team work


Conflict management

Stress management

Personality type and innovation

Personality type and motivation

Personality type and compatibility

Intercultural training

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